Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can't seem to find my muse

That's what Krisse said- and it rings true for me too. There is just too much going on for me to lay out paint and start something. I start my jury case today, and leave my eldest sick and sweat soaked in bed. My youngest will get blood work tomorrow as he is also dragging. Part of me thinks that is normal 13 year old pacing- but to cover bases and not reveal the low level of mothering I will get him checked out. My in-laws and mother arrive in a week and the yard looks like the snow was just scraped off of it. The inside of the house is a dust bowl that defies logic. I guess it is part of having two cats and a dog? My father-in-law will be moving out at the same time that my son graduates from high school and both need help boxing up their stuff. I woke today with a panic that I never bought my son a properly fitted blazer for the ceremony. I was going to do it a few weekends ago, the weekend the school freaked us out by saying he might not graduate (which is not even close to true). And I lost my air. Never did it. Now I don't know when or how we can fit that in the calendar. Perhaps my muse will show up in my creative time strategizing.
For now I will post older paintings that could use a second look. There is Yet Faith is a watercolor on paper, about 14 x 11 inches, done in an April past. I used the rubber cement resist technique with light washes. It is part of a series I did on poetry lines. Anyone know where I found this line?

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