Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Divorce document #11

Elephants never forget. I won't either. So even though the tradition, the "married forever" thing, is over, I can still keep the family memories. The house is full of them... and I rearrange furniture, dust off baby pictures and iconic art projects, sort through throw pillows and talk to the cats. Truth is some things can't be negated by a document... and I am glad in that.


  1. Yes, elephants never forget. And they feel things strongly, as far as we humans can tell. But my first thought on seeing this piece was, look at the elephant in the room...even with all the talk I bet there are subjects avoided. Your divorce series is amazing.

  2. also quite the "elephant in the living room" connotation! sounds awfully damned hard, what you are going through. hang in there!
