Saturday, May 14, 2011


Umbrella flowers are shaping up for Cait Johnson's production of A MidSummer Night's Dream scheduled for June 18 (8pm) at the Center at High Valley, in Staatsburg, NY.

The challenge is finding nice days (no wind or rain) where I can work on them on the porch. I'm too superstitious to bring them inside.

These will be opened by the performers and laid on the ground to serve as points of the fairy dance obstacles. I am hoping the scale will make the human performers look smaller...Also working on some large butterflies...


  1. With umbrellas so spectacular one can only pray for rainy day after rainy day. They are beautiful, fragile, yet strong enough to be protectful ... like you!

  2. Thanks Mc... I love what you say, but I'm feeling pretty weepy this rainy day!
