Saturday, May 7, 2016

Dandy flowers for mothers day

Micheal's come alive in the studio again! He's creating botanically inspired images using paint on balloons applied in a twisting manner. I love the colors! Yesterday at the Lowe Museum's last "sip and sketch" for the season, Michael had 16 happy painters leave with wild canvases. They showed up at 7, had wine and cheese and followed his step-by-step procedure. Each artist added their own twist to the paint and were done by 9...What a deal!
I love having the extra color in the apartment. We have been cleaning, scrubbing and clearing out for spring. My son recently moved out (I am really happy for him, but-:-(  of course), and now Michael is back in the studio!
Tomorrow is Mother's day and I am missing my mom all the way in France, and missing Michael's ultra cool mom- Yvette- who died this day two years ago now. Gosh, she was a beautiful woman, inside and out. No wonder, with a mom like Yvette, he paints so colorfully! God bless all the moms!

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