Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The farewell tour

Dear Blog-
So much has happened in the last month.
There wasn't time to write. My job at Palmer Trinity came to an end, and there were reports to write, rooms to clean up, students to console, friends to party with, a studio to empty and plans to make.
Here are some pictures of the farewell tour...
The hardest part was saying goodbye to the kids.
My advisees gave me a mounted group photo and filled the classroom with balloons.
I even got an orchid- yikes!!!
I gave my last painting to my art department colleague, Mr. Robert Moorhouse who has taught me so much and made me, over the last 8 years, into a better teacher. I am so indebted.
Ms. Massa, Ms. Fernandez and Ms. Beske
In fact I was so lucky to work with colleagues who valued what they were doing and collaborated gracefully. The intellect and passion of these three would fill an ocean.

The bible study ladies all gathered for a happy hour meal and I was showered with more love than I ever expected. These women will be missed. They will forever stay in my prayers.
And I will miss the giant Bismark. Everyday, as I traversed the campus, we checked each other out, and witnessed growth and weather. Such a lovely place! And though my home in New York is calling and has been a deep longing, it is a bittersweet ending. This has been a fantastic time and place.

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