Since I only have a week left to be in the Market window I have spent some time reviewing my body of daily painting work. I think the spinning cake case at Robin's Millerton Market is an amazing visual (and oral) feast. So I have decided to paint it a couple more times before I leave- Also, the scene of Main Street- as I have to wonder when will I ever again have such a cozy vantage spot? I get to spy on the town, enjoy the vintage architecture while smelling great "just out of the oven" pastries, and meet with friends. Today Amy Farrel and a friend of hers came in and stayed for a long while to chat about art, self promotion, ideas for the next series. I was uplifted and inspired by the discussions. Kelly and Rachel had the music cranked and during the less trafficked moments I was able to soar with Barry Manilow like my teenage days...