SOLD- thanks Elmore!
11 x 13 inches, collage and acrylic paint on wood panel.
I like this one- I tried to use up all my hoarded headlines... such as- Families are Shattered, Coasting Water's Edge, Barcelona Can Seemingly Strike at Will, etc...
I always told my kids if I ever went missing, they could look for me in Barcelona.
Though I am gaining confidence in the nest- yesterday my girlfriend Emmy and I mowed the lawn (mulched the leaves), switched the dining table to a smaller one, and gave away two televisions. I am cooking lasagna now in partial payment for a new dishwasher!
Checking my vital signs, I am still alive and well! So many angels to thank: Ann, Bibiana, Beth, George, Jimmy, Emmy, Suzy, Michael, Rosemary, Krisse, Leesah, and my dad. And more ... every day!