Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bodhi tree gallery

Ellen and Lyn are now carrying a few of my local landscape paintings. Please visit them and check out the other art and crafts that they have. The store is a visual paradise of gift possibilities. Lyn and Ellen are both creative women making soaps and designing jewelry. They truly want to pull creative people together and celebrate the handmade local art. Located in Sharon Ct in the Sharon Farm Market Plaza. The Bodhi Tree gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Behind Curtain Number One...

Painted this 6 x 4.25 inch painting, as a lesson of sorts, on video, with Pam White today... It's all about the parameters of a daily series and the randomness of collage.
It was a fun play-date. Pam and I want to do it again, next I will film her and then we will film other artist's giving lessons. In addition to this sort of thing, Pam also does transformational video!

Main Street window signage

There are details alerting viewers to arbor day, open house, bake sale, and pancake breakfast. Birdhouses with wings hover next to a prompt to "join the Indian Rock Schoolhouse". If you get close you can see it's on Mygat road and on the web.
Lots of fun coming soon.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Indian Rock School window display

Community collaborations... Larry Havens' window needs a fix up, and the Indian rock Schoolhouse can use all the publicity it can get... So I made a cardboard prop and will install it later today...
Tried to paint it Plein air, on site, and found 40 degrees does not make a good painting outside day- I was FREEZING!!!!
So it's a little wacky.

Since I last posted I have been all over the map- in my head and across the geography... NYC, Bard Hessell Mueseum, Howland Cultural center... alone and with groups of friends... plenty to laugh, mull, state.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lift off!

Even though it appears to be sunnier, and warmer, than it actually is, it's time to get moving. Yesterday I made my own play-date and attended the artexpo at Pier 94 in NYC. There was a lot of brilliant color, action, and a palpable upbeat attitude exuding from each exhibitor. The speakers at the two seminars I attended were very positive about the market, about making sales, and about building relationships. A lot of what they told me I already knew, but it was good to be reminded.

This small canvas painting measures 5 x 7 inches ($100 plus $5 shipping US)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Inhale deeply

and...again. In under 7 seconds by just breathing deeply, I found out I could lower my blood pressure! Isn't that cool?
Here, the skeleton buries it's head in a bouquet.
The reality of the flowers is much more fantastic than the painting. They were delivered last Sunday by the guy I'm dating as a celebration of the first days of spring. Isn't that sweet?
Their aroma fills the living room with a perfume that transports me every time I skitter past. And now I will stop skittering, and take another moment to inhale deeply. Isn't that increasing the quality of my life?
Perhaps I should start a list of "bare bones necessities":
a deep breathing pattern, and
fresh flowers.
SOLD- Thanks Carolyn!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brainstorming a bloom from the winter cactus

Small works of bare bones developing in tandem with efforts to cull the inefficient and discretionary out of my expenses. I am sure there is a flower in here somewhere... just hate risking the descent into the cactus patch!

acrylic on panel 4.5 x 6.25 inches
$75 for now

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bare Bones in Bed Bird-Watching

Disclaimer for my family: Please don't worry! This is not about death, or even the morbid fascination with an underworld. This is about stripping myself down to the basics, emphasizing the structure and celebrating the container-like vessels that we are.

The birds are coming back in droves. They can sing a spirit full of life. I have faith that the birds do not worry or fret about their future.

painted wood panel, 6 x 4.25 inches

Monday, March 21, 2011

Caged bird

There is an aborigine saying: a house is a great thing, you can lock it up and leave it anytime you want.
Ah..the winter to spring restlessness! I split my focus between the actual domestic realm and outside my comfort zone. If there is a comfort zone!
Paintings though, do sprout from one source and, for me, they reveal signs of another.
When I painted this my son was packing to go back to his father's and I was filled with a primal urge to hold him tight, squeeze him into a small space, perhaps a cage in my arms, and keep him there forever... Why do children have to grow up? Why do I?
I have to deal with responsibilities, trivia, such as water damage, driveway maintenance, roof weakness, yard clean-up and also initiate my job search in a wider geographic area.
This block of wood is wrapped, collaged, and painted with found papers. 4x 5.5x 1.5 inches

Sunday, March 20, 2011

LAST few hours of art sale on web
10 % off for new buyers and 20% off of select works in the collector's corners.
Ends today. This is the time to get a work of art for a bargain.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

If you have a Moment

don't let "regrets" paralyze you.
5.5x 5.5x 1.5 inches paint, paper and wood
I confess I took a nap instead of raking the yard on the first sunny warm day of the year!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Deeply devoted

This Chicken on the bed image is painted on a paper wrapped wood block, measuring 4 x 5.5 x 1.5 inches. I painted it because I enjoyed the existing diamond pattern on the found paper... and then when the random headline was added I felt it just made so many different associations in my brain. I had fun with this!

I've been off the computer and out of the studio for the last week because of distractions... one of which is my tall hunky little baby boy. He's been visiting and helping clean up the storm mess...filling the house with songs, and interesting philosophical discussions.
I am a mother first, then an artist.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ice storm aftermath

What a long night of snap, crackle and pop! Trees down everywhere, ice thickly coating every surface and still no phone or electric power...
it's awfully cold!
Roads both ways to the house were closed by fallen trees, and no sign of any crews, (they are working hard on top of the mountain)- so a few of my neighbors got together and we spent the afternoon clearing out the driveways and the roads. I'm bummed that I had to cancel my afternoon class in Poughkeepsie. With the winds still strong and limbs dangling, and until I get power, I just didn't feel confident setting off on a long drive and returning after dark.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Conjured Rooster for sale

Wax encaustic painting with sewn paper on wood panel
11 x 9 inches. $260
One of my works (out of nine paintings I am exhibiting this month), at the Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, in a group show with my ArtWomen@work support group.

Howland ArtWomen@work

Susan Hennelly, Amy Manso, Amy R. Farrell, Johanne Renbeck, Mimi Graminski, Lillian Lovett, Tanya Kukucka, Joan Levitt, Bibiana Matheis, Victoria Hayes, Geroge-Ann Gowan and I!

This show was the second time the group of us have shown together. We are an art support group that has been meeting once a month for 5 years!
As you can see it was a really nice turn-out. The show is up until the 27th.
Main Street, Beacon, NY

Friday, March 4, 2011

Howland show opens tomorrow

Just in! "Our art show is the Poughkeepsie Journal's pick
of the event for Saturday. The Beacon news paper has a full coverage of the show."
Picky, pecky hen is in the show- Encaustic (colored wax) with handmade paper and sewn stitching on wood panel, 10 x 8 inches

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

anyone can paint

like this... at our March Memories, studio to stove workshop on the 20th, we will learn to bake Irish Soda bread and paint momento boxes to look like one of these! Malachite inlay and a tromp loel key or a pencil . Sunday 1-4pm $50 all materials included. What a wonderful gift idea. But hurry, only a few more spaces left! Lakeville studio location.
email me

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Looking to start a self portrait class for teens

April is a long's the brink of change in the seasons and a great time to look into yourself and discover who you might be!
Six classes @ $20 each.
Register soon so you can join us!