Saturday, May 10, 2014

Is it really May already?

 The heat in Miami is building and blossoms on a majority of the trees creates a profound delight for the senses. (I have no allergies, and am sorry for those who do). My classroom is full of flowers, and blasted with cool air conditioning. I waft between euphoria and dull blindness... no doubt depending on the time of day.
But it is May! The birds are so loud in the morning I think they warn of crisis!
The school year is finally winding down and both students and teachers are exhausted. Everyone seems to be a "full cup" with little room for more knowledge. Teaching is a great occupation, but it is a joint effort of all parties and it waxes and wanes with the seasons like farming.
I look forward to summer time off. That is when I get to gather my thoughts, clear my desk, and just be me... not a teacher, not a mother, not a sister or daughter or girlfriend or artist. In all the busyness of these days (daze), I am seriously not sure who I am, where I begin and end, outside my neediest relationships.
This painting above is a demo watercolor from class for the assignment to paint flowers for our mothers. And here is some student work---from life.

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