Sunday, December 30, 2018

Evolution of this, my annual self-portrait

 This started as a class demo for two of my different high school courses. Three classes were painting large colored "selfies" and the other classes were working on large heads in charcoal. In both, I was introducing the concept of the grid as a tool to transfer accurately and to enlarge.
 The isolated colors were my attempt to talk about bounced light and it's effect on skin tone. I was trying to demonstrate risk by using cool blues in patches, and not being so precious with my likeness. I probably should have done my hair darker, but over the time the class was working on theirs, I got my real hair tinted a little pink, and it really did not make as much difference, after hours in the salon chair, as I would have hoped, and hence, depicted!

The final image is apropos for the way it depicts a person split in different styles/directions. Do you like it?

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