Thursday, May 17, 2007

CHICK N'brush again

acrylic on homemade paper, 4 x 6 inches
I am having a fun time with these guys. I have moved them to outside the studio door and set up a chair and makeshift table for me to keep them company. We benefit from the fresh air, the sounds of the farm buzzing with activity, and papa Frank's attentive monologues. Today he brought me lilacs, brought the chicks stale bread, and told me that he has been cutting the neighbors bushes back. I wonder if I shouldn't go back inside. But I am sanding and painting blocks of wood with vegetables...Just watching the birds out of the corner of my eye. I sent out an email this morning asking my friends if anyone had a birdcage I could borrow to move 5 chicks on my front passenger seat to the Great Barrington farmer's market- They will be my models for a painting demonstration. The response has been hilarious. Apparently there are liberated men who believe keeping chicks in a cage is a bad idea.

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