Thursday, September 6, 2007

Romance of the Tin can car

SOLD Another take on waiting for my muse- I spent the day driving across the county and in large figure eight patterns to the school and back. I did this sketch while snatching a bite for lunch, and sewed it to scraps from my wastebasket. I know that asking "what is the point?" is a killer for any creative concentration. Lately it has been haunting me. So, with paper scraps all over the floor and ink spots on my clothes, I've picked up a book from the loft library- Wake Up Your Mind by Alex Osborn, Dell Publishing 1952. He asserts, as far as I can tell, that your body ages, your memory fades, and your imagination wanes in early adulthood. Schools kill it, and most entry level jobs will kill it, but, 60 pages into the book, Mr. Osborn promises that imagination can be retained and made strong- IF EXERCISED. The first of two exercises is- get this: to be with children, and to read.
I have done and am doing both...
Tonight I will skim ahead and see what else...

1 comment:

  1. Well..if reading to kids and being with them is a salve for inspiration as one gets older, then I am well poised to have a flow of creativity. But wait - I have no energy! And saying good-bye to a son entering boarding school - poignant, yes - but think of all the time you now have:)
    It's clear that discipline, practice, diligence, serendipity, good health and experience can offset the 'loss of imagination' as we age..carry on..your blog inspires...
