Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daily Painters Birthday Book Give-away

I want to pass on an interesting book created by the artists (me included) behind the successful daily painters movement on the web. It's such fun to see and read about the varied styles, backgrounds and sources of inspiration. My hope is to spread some knowledge about the website and make you look! If this is your birthday month, all you have to do is leave a comment and let me know you would like this book as a gift from me to you. Be the first- I only have one copy that I am willing to part with. Stay inspired!


  1. Tilly, Happy Birthday!! My birthday was on Monday. When is yours? So you must be a Gemini,too! Hope you have a great Birthday month! :)


  2. happy birthday Deborah! You are a perfect person to appreciate the book! My birthday was on Friday. I should have known you were a Gemini with those wild inspired colors in your paintings! And the way you are able to get around the human figure and focus on the horse in your narratives You have such empathy ...a great understanding of both sides of nature.

  3. Hi Tilly,

    My birthday was Friday June 12. My last year in the 40-somethings. My friend Donna Lausier turned me on to the daily art site. She even sent you an e-mail I believe.It has been YOUR artwork that I've been drawn to and amazed at. I use words in my artwork as well. I also have some similar themes. (no roosters or chickens yet) I'd love to show you one or two pieces sometime. For now I am excited about the book you said you had as a gift. It would be an honor to receive such a gift.

    Out of all the art I see at the daily art site, yours I recognize immediately without looking at the names.

    I'd love to learn how to paint in such a small area. Some of your work looks like it is a meter wide at least. Such BIG paintings on a 6"X6" piece of canvas/paper.

    When Donna showed me the daily art site, she sent me the link to "Tilly's paintings" - Thank you so much for the messages you send with your creative side - people need to see it to become more empathetic and kind.

    Keep up the good work. When life pushes you down - sing! dance! laugh!- it won't know what hit it and in its confusion you can loosen its grip on you- and fly toward your dream. Good Luck. Have a terrific belated-birthday.

    OH oh ...I have a philosphy about birthdays that I tell anyone whose birthday DAY went poorly. bIRTHDAYS ought to be celebrated for a week. Anything goes when it comes to celebrating the day you were born. WHEN WE WERE BORN folks stopped by to gaze at our beautiful faces, and they held us,m and they loved us - because we are from the angels. After a week, the hoopla calmed.

    So I tell people - I am celebrating my BIRTH day for a week in case a schedule made it impossible for a friend or family member to get together with me.

    so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tilly

    Thanks again, Tilly
    Great meeting you here.

  4. Cindy, Thank you for your encouragement and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!! I'd love to see your work when you get a chance to send an image.
    Send me an email (to and be sure to include your address so I can mail you out a book.
    I know you will enjoy it and that makes me thrilled to connect with you.
    I am still celebrating my birthday in small ways- maybe taking the whole month to try nice things for myself!

  5. CINDY- contact me by email
    and tell me where to send your book!
    All the best- Tilly
