Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mysterious package

The concept of containment and surprise. A good valentine theme. This gift idea actually came with 30 fuzzy yellow chicks.
I have been thinking a bit about how Valentine's day and Christmas and other holidays can be a time of alchemy. The spirit of intention seems to transform the humble materials (or waning bank accounts).
A Valentine, a home made mother's day card, a thoughtful Christmas gift... these objects are often manifestations of a spirit outside ourselves. Why can't this happen everyday in the studio? What makes us so observant of the power of miracles one moment and not the next? Is it something to do with the power of multitudes praying? Just think of the miracles that happen in the Xmas season, or in creative response to global tragedy. The arts are then so completely uplifting. It's more than the material, the glue, sequin, wax, lyrics, paper, spices. It's a manifestation of the singing soul. Don't you agree?
My little painting is on torn paper, 5 x 7 inches outside, 3 x 5 inside border.

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